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tv   KPIX 5 News at 430AM  CBS  July 15, 2019 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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it is monday, july 15. i'm michelle griego. let's go look at the weather this morning. it's good to have you back and we are having temperatures cooler compared to yesterday. we continue on the cooldown as we kickoff the work week. here's a live look at the work camp, temperatures in the upper 50s to 60s, 67 concord, livermore 63, upper 50 san francisco, as we have a the afternoon edlund you will warm up once again. 85 livermore mid 70s oakland. upper 70 san francisco and mid 60s with plenty of sunshine for today. we talk about a drop even more for tomorrow, details of that coming up. good monday morning, it does not feel like a case of the mondays of the roadways,
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let's start a look at our overall travel times. the altamont pass a 26 minute ride, great for this time of the morning. for two minutes on the freeway highway 4 and the one-to-one you just popped up to 38 minutes from 37 heading out of the south bay. things are stacking up at the cash lanes. fast track, you are just fine. you see the east shoreeway movi bridge not as busy. the lights are in the westbound direction. things are moving right along looks like there is no construction in place with lane closures today. the live news desk, several significant earthquakes to tell you about over the last 12 hours or so. all in the southeastern pacific. i want to show you the map of the latest. this is a six-point to of papa
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new guinea. also this was a 7.3 and eastern indonesia, you see people there leaving a shopping mall after the shaking began that earthquake killed one person. this is video with no injuries reported. minor damage to some buildings, we also have video from western australia, this also overnight a six-point five, can see it some material off of store shelves and coast securities. there were reports of the ground shaking between 15-20 seconds. a lot of of these in the area of the planet right now. back to you. no confirmed ice raids reported in the bay area over the weekend despite the expected wave of detention, immigrant families on edge this
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morning in case the raids happen this week. the sweep was supposed to start yesterday and detain up to 2000 undocumented immigrants on final deportation orders. even though the raids never materialized, the preparation did mobilize the community and the san francisco's mission district and have a big impact on local businesses. >> this neighborhood in the mission is rampant, people were not going to church, were not shopping, were not going to the movies. they were complaining employees did not show up on sunday and they are short employees. >> ice says it conducts arrests every day but we are not allowed to elaborate what happens this weekend. >> i feel scared every day. i do not know what to do. i know if my community i am in strength. >> in his statements, ice said they prioritize the arrested removal of unlawfully present
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aliens that pose a threat to national security, public safety and border security. >> the arrests were supposed to happen across the u.s. although it did not materialize. it may have gotten underway in a less conspicuous matter. >> reporter: the nationwide crackdown did not begin as expected this weekend. >> they're going to take people out and bring it back to their countries or take criminals out and put them in prison or put them in prison in the country they came from. >> reporter: few reports of unusual activity by immigration agents, that could soon change the new york times assess. instead of one massive simultaneous sweep, the ice operation is being carried out as smaller grades spread out over several days, the acting head of customs and border patrol says his agency is just doing its job. >> the individuals ice goes after, they do this every single day, are not individuals here undocumented, individuals here illegally. >> reporter: many democrats
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criticize the handling of the situation. >> a lot of families in our country at blended families, and the household there are documented immigrants, undocumented immigrants, people with visas, their living in abject fear. >> reporter: about 2000 people are believed to be targeted by the raids, the white house says each was issued a final order of removal from an immigration judge. laura podesta, cbs news. >> if you are caught in an ice raid, you have rights, anybody detained by the government, a u.s. citizen or not simply has a right of access, the government did not provide an attorney. undocumented detainees who choose not to seek counsel can be deported. we are continuing to monitor any new developments on these raids. stay with us at for very latest . protesters take a stand
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against amazon demanding the company cut ties with guys, today's amazon prime day, an annual 48-hour shopping event the rakes of billions of dollars. but, immigrant and labor leaders are using the high- profile shopping day to call attention to what he calls amazon bad behavior. several groups including jobs with justice san francisco plan protest outside the company of san francisco office on market street. >> we are coming together to say it has to stop. it takes the form of abusing workers which many are immigrants. abusing the public in terms of using technology to facilitate the targeting, retention, deportation and separation of families . >> a big group plans to deliver a petition as part of action in nine cities across the country . on storm watch this morning, barry has been downgraded to a tropical depression as we take a live look at bourbon street in new
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orleans. 30s warning there could still be dangerous flooding there. saturday, barry became the first hurricane to make landfall in the u.s. this season, the storm dumped more than a foot of rain on communities in louisiana. outside of new orleans and manville, residents braved the flooding to look at the damage. are news crew was standing in three feet of water to report on the storm of the weekend. less than 24 hours later the water receded, you can see forecasters expect another 2-4 inches of rain in the area before the storm ends . the search is on for a california woman and her dog who disappeared while camping. brittany hopper is following the investigation. >> reporter: six-year-old cheryl powell is an avid hiker and camper, she and her husband of 40 years set out to camper campsite near grandview campground near death valley. according to a family member,
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she got out of the car with her small dog while her husband backed there cheap into the campsite. her family says within a matter of minutes, she and her dog who was on a leash went missing. the couples children, their son, and er doctor in la entered doctor getting her phd in santa barbara talk to us via facetime while the search for their missing mother . >> every day gets harder and harder. i go through periods where i almost lose hope. i just break down into tears and i can't get my mind off of all of these potentially horrible things that could be happening. >> they say their parents camp often and usually in remote areas once or twice a month together. they say the two are inseparable, best friends with the type of marriage others strive for . >> she is an inspiration and a role model for me and has more
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love and wisdom in support that any person i can possibly imagine. >> reporter: detective say this is an active investigation. sunday search and rescue teams along with dogs and a helicopter searched for hours, but found nothing. her children believe their mother was abducted. >> the possibility of her getting lost or being out there seems more likely to us. >> i was brittany hopper reporting, they're looking for powell by air and ground. stricken update this morning on a stolen dog in san francisco, please telling us lily and her owner have been reunited, the six-year-old golden retriever was tied to a post while the owner shopped in japantown and in a matter of minutes she was taken by a man in a brown sports coat. you can see him calmly untie the dog and walk away as shoppers passed by . police say when they found lily last night she was not with the man in the
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surveillance video but rather a couple walking with her. lily and her owner were reunited shortly after that, it is unclear if charges will be filed . can the stock market keep record gains up? the chinese technology giant in the u.s.. mark lieberman has those stories and more in today's money watch report. >> reporter: we will see if stocks picked up where they left off friday, and record territory, all three ager indexes closed at record highs as they were hopeful the federal reserve will cut interest rates, the nasdaq added 40 points, they plan laughs in the u.s. but the wall street journal says this comes as the chinese technology giant deal with the commerce
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department. the research and development subsidiary has 850 workers in research labs across u.s. reuters reports luxury department chain parties is having a bankruptcy filing, the century-old bottom-line has been hurt by new shopping habits. you can find out more at our website. this morning a mystery beginning on the moon, coming up, what happened to these precious moon rocks after they were brought down to earth . looking live outside. this is a shot if you can make it out of the tower it looks like a shuttle launch, it is not. it is san francisco, we are trying to zoom in there, get some focus, there you go, it is riback
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it has been 50 years since the onmore than 800 pounds of moon rocks in several years. the whereabouts of some of those rocks? tom hansen has more in the mystery from the space center in houston. >> reporter: former nasa investigator a man on a mission. >> this is the goodwill rock. >> reporter: locating historic moon rocks from the apollo space missions . >> you are the leading expert investigating these moon rocks? >> yes.? do you agree? >> yes. >> reporter: the team of astronauts set out to be the first crew to land on the moon, they brought back a stock pile of moon rocks, most ending appear in houston for research at nasa and on public display under the care of highly trained nasa scientists at
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space center houston . >> you know how lucrative these rocks are? i wish they would be worth? >> they also gifted small samples at the national cathedral from nixon to all 50 states and territories and countries around the world. they discovered many of those rocks are unaccounted for. >> a number of moon rocks are missing. essentially the gifts. >> to that surprising? >> it shocked me. >> reporter: many luster sold them on the black market at the center of the $20 million heist. they located about 80 so far. >> what was found in a shoebox. >> he hopes getting the word out will locate more moon rocks around the world. >> i no doubt will get leads
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after this story. >> reporter: with a little lunar luck, he will find them. tom hansen, cbs news, texas. >> they can go for a lot of money, sotheby's legally auctioned off a moon rock in 2018 for $855,000. >> their expensive. hopefully they find some of them. let's talk weather, we are cooling down a little bit? we are, temperatures cooler today in tomorrow, the offshore flow kicking in. that is what we are looking at, is a bit cooler, especially from a hot weekend. let's show you first of all a live look that the tower camera, this is looking west, you can see the almost full moon out there, the shallow marine layer otherwise looking at clear skies . temperatures running in the 50s and 60s this morning. 67 concorde, 61 oakland, 63 livermore, upper 50s in san francisco, san jose, low 60s
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and 50s santa rosa, it is a breezy start to the day in many locations. 10 miles per hour wind at sfo, 14 mile-per-hour wind in downtown san francisco out of the west northwest. 11 in san ramon, eight berkeley, 60 mile an hour winds and antioch and looking at a two mile-per-hour winds in fairfield. york micro, forecast of what you can expect, mid 60s on the coast, mostly sunny as we head through the afternoon, upper 60s to low 70s, mild conditions with sunshine, breezy as well near the water. the inland locations in the mid to upper 80s 90 degrees with plenty of sunshine. here is satellite and radar. we have this ridge of high pressure to the south. to the north, and upper level low, this pressure system is drying the onshore flow for us. that will continue and pick up
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tomorrow with the stronger seabreeze. it will be cooler for your tuesday. as we go through the day you will see all of the sun as we head to the afternoon. tomorrow morning will clouds and areas of fog and afternoon sun for tuesday, here's what you expect for the day, 90 concorde as well as fairfield, mid 80s livermore, 83 san jose, mid 70s oakland, upper 60s san francisco, mid 60s pacifica. here is the 7 day forecast and what you can expect, there we go with the bit of a cool down as we head for tuesday and wednesday. you can see as we go through the rest of the week, the stronger onshore flow kicking and . temperatures will be dropping as we head for the end of the workweek into the weekend. let's check in with traffic . everything on the throughway looks relatively cool, calm, and collected. let's take a look at the overall bay area, not a lot of rent out there, or very many issues to report this has been
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clear in the last couple of seconds. and animals on the roadway right there at 85 northbound before you the 280, that has been cleared so you are good to go there. let's go to the altamont pass, 14 mile-per-hour in the westbound direction. once you through the past, or up to a regular running speed in the green as far as speed is concerned. all the way to the dublin interchange, even southbound, westman 84 looks good, a little bit of slowing as you are turning onto that's, for more information on public transit, muni and golden gate transit will be using the transit center starting today, let's see if they can make it work this round. so far all of your public transit is running on time. travel times are concerned, you are now in the yellow at 30 mins to get through the past once you get to the dublin interchange are good to go, elsewhere you are in the green, metering lights, they are not
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yet on, starting to get busier there at the toll plaza with the east shore freeway moving right along. cemetery bridge started to pick up as well, not too many brake lights and westbound commutes direction, the bridge moving along, no emergency construction lane closures to report today. ed sheeran talks about his celebrity collaborations and hollywood gets ready for the emmy nominations. chris martinez has your eye on entertainment. >> reporter: emmy nominations announced from the television academy in los angeles tomorrow, could be a battle among series like game of thrones or big bang theory as well as new comedies from streaming services. >> i was hoping we would get a bigger reaction. >> a behind the scenes look at the remake of the lion king, footage of the actors working together. >> you owe me an apology . >> the lion king opens in
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theaters friday. and sharon talking about the celebrity collaboration on his new album number six collaboration project, the album includes a song called blow that he stumbled into with bruno mars and chris stapleton. >> chris was there. he played the riff which is this, is it that we were like oh let's write a song about that. >> he approached all of his collaborations with the idea of having fun. that is your eye on entertainment, chris martinez, cbs news, los angeles. good morning everybody, i'm glad to be here with all of you folks, there are all kinds of ways to win again. ahead, just you think you have single, a game ends like this.
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fortune for the oakland a's, sometimes it is better to be lucky than good. that is what happened yesterday, details, coming up. a reminder, the cbs evening news with norah o'donnell begins tonight at 6:30 right here on kpix5, we will be right back.
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good monday morning to. let's take you to the south bay, plenty of sunshine, 82 for the high in santa clara, 83 san jose, 90 morgan hill, highs in the low 90s for concord, fairfield, antioch as well as brentwood. berkeley, highs top out in the low 70s. mid 70s alameda, oakland.
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upper 60s san francisco. and now sports. good morning everybody. we go across the bay and enter into this minutes of sports, we go across the pond and back, all part of this monday to get you going. a's and the white sox, you have to protect the ballpark, don't you? oakland trails the white sox but they did something about that. time the game up 2-2, still tied at the bottom of the ninth, this is how they won the game. it is a throwaway at second, the runner kept going and he did not stop until he it the dish. we are done here. a walkoff, unexpected. the a's went 3-2. tyler pitches for the san francisco giants and milwaukee. at the plates, are you kidding me? an rbi for a go ahead ride 3-2,
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later in the seventh a second head of the inning. the beat milwaukee ministry. roger federer took on djokovic to decide the crown. they overcame two match points and fought his way back to even be sent at 8-8. center with a mishit ended it. almost 5 hours then djokovic won this one. seth curry lake tahoe. the championship finishing ahead of his dad in seventh place, the former quarterback and cbs analyst tony romo won the advantage the second straight year, that gets youp to date in sports at this hour, some of you, maybe i will see
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you added golf fundraiser later on this morning the annual have a ball fight cancer to him. i will be on the fourth hole. all morning and all afternoon i will be live from there 6:00 tonight. that is enough. we will see you later. 4: 57, coming up the next half hour, big tech heads back to capitol hill, why lawmakers on both sides of the aisle say companies like google and facebook are getting too big. protesters demanding amazon conch relationships with ice. we tell you how they are related. introducing togo's new hot chicken sandwiches.
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the brewpub chicken with grilled chicken, crispy smokehouse bacon, and fresh avocado. the new buffalo chicken with frank's redhot wings sauce. or the tangy barbecue chicken with chipotle mayo. the new hot chicken trio at togo's. how far would you go for a togo?
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now at 5:00, amazon prime
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day getting medical, why the shopping date is being met with protest . warned for weeks, ice raids president trump promise to never happened, undocumented immigrants in the bay area are still worried . a search is on for a camper in southern california, the mystery surrounding her disappearance, it is monday july 15. let's get you ready for the day as we start this new work week. we are checking on the forecast with mary. happy monday, we start of the day breezy in some locations, here's a live look at the golden gate bridge, you can actually see the golden gate bridge this morning, temperatures in the 50s and 60s. upper 60s in concorde, low 60s oakland and livermore, upper 50 san francisco, low 60s san jose and mid 50s santa rosa. your microclimate forecast, taking you through the day along the coast. mid 60s, we go mostly sunny and breezy for


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